August 29, 2007

Day 181

I had my 6 month vaccinations today. That's right, I'm over 6 months. My 1/2 year Birthday was on Monday. I didn't get to celebrate much because it coincided with Mom and Dad's 2 year wedding anniversary and they went out for dinner. Oh well, I got to spend the night with Grandma Hawley which is always nice.
This weekend coming I am going to see Grandma and Grandpa Gainsbrook again. We are going to do a family trip to the zoo. I am so excited!
The past week has been busy. Mom and I went to see Kari and Dave at their cottage in Arden. We also went to a play group at our neighbours house and got to meet lots of other Mom's and kids from our street. Dad took me to watch Mom play softball. They lost in the finals but won the game I went to watch. Grandma Hawley took me to see Mom and Dad's championship football game which they won 13-0. Then we had the team back to our place for a bbq.
Mom let me play in some new toys this week too. I had my first go at the exercauser and the jolly jumper. I am still short so she had to put pillows under them so that my feet could reach. The good news is that while I am short, I am still packing on the pounds. In fact I am in the 75th to 90th percentile of weight for my height. My head is huge too. My doctor told Mom we should monitor it and make sure it's not growing too fast. Mom told the doctor not too worry the Gainsbrook's have big heads. :-)

14 lbs. and growing!

August 19, 2007

Day 171

Well true to form I gave Mom and Dad an earful in the car. It was a long trip but well worth it. I had a great weekend. Mom and Dad were so happy with how good I was at the restaurant for Grandma's birthday dinner. I didn't so much as make a peep. Must have been because I tuckered myself out on the car ride down.
Saturday's party was great. It was so nice to see everyone. I finally got to meet GG (great Grandma). I had heard so much about her. Unfortunately I didn't cooperate much when she was holding me. I got so many nice gifts, lots of toys and clothes. Mom wont have to buy me anything for quite a while. It was cool not being the smallest person at the party too. Cousin Brendan was there. He's a cutie and smaller than I am.

I'm over 13lbs. now!

All the excitement tuckered me out!!!



August 15, 2007

Day 167

Our second family photo! Mom and Dad should really get someone else to take the photo instead of trying to do it themselves. In half of them they chopped my head off.
We're heading back to Barrie on Friday. Hopefully it goes alright because lately I have been HATING the car seat. On Friday night the whole family including all us grandkids are going out for dinner for Grandma's birthday. It'll be my first timing going to a restaurant for dinner. On Saturday there is going to be a party for me. How exciting! Mom and Dad are finally going to get to show me off. I'll have them take lots of photos.
We have a follow up with the dietitian at CHEO tomorrow. I think they are going to decide if Mom can try dairy again. Sure hope it doesn't make me sick!

August 10, 2007

Day 162

I have a new cousin! Congratulations to Aunt Jen and Uncle Dustin on the birth of their baby boy Brendon Robert Carroll. He's a whopping 8.5 lbs. Wow, it took me months to get to that size. I can't wait to meet him next weekend.

August 8, 2007

Day 160

So you be the judge, do I look like Mom or Dad? Everyone says that I look like Dad, but Mom thinks there is some of her in me. Sure hope they don't let my hair get as long as Dad's was!

Mom's baby pictures:

Dad's baby pictures:

August 2, 2007

Day 156

Man is it hot out! Mom and I have been trying to get outside a lot this week, but it's stinkin hot. After our last walk mom nearly fainted. At least that's what she tells me. A little melodramatic if you ask me.
So we've been hanging out inside for the most part. Mom has me on this new routine and she sure has me sleeping a lot. I get an hour or so of playtime every three hours and Mom's gotta come up with some new stuff for me to do. She has me play on my play mat most of the time. Sometimes I get to hang out in my bouncy chair, or play under my mobile. Hopefully it'll cool down a bit and Mom and I can hang out outside a bit more. All that being said, I sure am happy these days. Lots of smiling, cooing, and even giggling.
I rolled over for the first time too. Big mistake, now Mom puts me on my tummy every chance she gets. She hasn't gotten the idea that I am not interested in rolling over again.