March 31, 2007

Day 33

I managed to maintain my temperature today so Dad was able to bath me tonight. I was actually much more comfortable with his bathing technique. I wasn't nearly as scared as I was when Mom bathed me. I think they should leave the diapers to Mom and the bathing to Dad.
I am up another 19 grams tonight bringing me just shy of 3 pounds, 4 ounces.
I had a fun night with Mom and Dad although they mentioned they had some concerns because both of the nurses in my room were Leaf fans. Mom and Dad say that the Leafs suck.
With another big night, between breast feeding and the bath I am completely tuckered out!
Thanks Aunt Jen and family for the shirt, it's very comfortable and almost fits me.

March 30, 2007

Day 32

Mom and Dad came in tonight so that Dad could bath me. At first they couldn't find me because I had been moved to a new room. Once they found me they took my temperature and I was cold. Dad didn't get a chance to bath me because they didn't want to make me colder. They have turned up my bed temperature and Dad just changed my diaper and held me for my feed instead of bathing me. They'll come back tomorrow night and hopefully I'll be warm enough for a bath.
The afternoon nurse gave me 10 cc's of my food by bottle this afternoon, and I did great at breast feeding this evening. After all that work feeding today I was pooped and passed out on Dad's chest.

March 29, 2007

Day 31

I may look like my Dad but I take after my Mom! I sucked my thumb for the first time today. I hear Mom sucked hers until she was in grade 4. I am enjoying my new bed. They have lowered the temperature a few times already because I was warm. If I keep this up I'll be in a cot sooner than later!
I gained over an ounce again today, up to 3lbs. and 3 ounces. They measured me again and my head grew but my length shrunk. I'm not so sure their measurements are all that accurate.

March 28, 2007

Day 30

I had another good day today. I put on 19 grams bringing me up to 1413. I am getting 28 cc's of fortified food every three hours and have been tolerating it well. I got moved to the Cadillac of NICU beds today. It's like having my own king size water bed. It's meant for twins but I get it all to myself. It has a water mattress on it that is keeping me warm. I am more accessible to Mom and Dad now which is nice. Once I start keeping my temperature in this I'll be moved to a cot and then I'll be even more portable. They keep rumbling about transferring me to the Civic hospital because they might need more room here at the General. I sure hope I get to stay where I am because I really like the nurses. One of the nurses mentioned that the Civic is full until April 2nd. Keep your fingers crossed that they are right and I don't have to move.

March 27, 2007

Day 29

I can't believe I am one month old already! They did a head ultrasound today which is standard at one month. It came back negative, so far everything looks good. I also had another go at breast feeding. I think I'm getting the hang of it.
Mom and Dad came for a visit. Mom was showing Dad how to take my temperature and change my diaper and when she pulled my legs back I had a projectile poo everywhere. I don't think Dad will be offering to change my diaper anytime soon. They had to clean out my whole isolet and change my linens and my outfit. They weren't planning on weighting me but figured they might as well seeing they had to take me out regardless. I went up almost a full gram. So far no spells off the caffeine.

March 26, 2007

Day 28

Well today was certainly a big day for me, I am finally over 3 lbs. The doctors decided to stop my morning dose of caffeine because I haven't had a spell in over seven days. I also had my first go at breast feeding. I am a far cry from giving up my feeding tube but it went really well for a first go. Mom and Dad came in for my bath again tonight. Mom isn't really getting anymore skilled at it. I had to hang on to the tassels on her shirt for dear life. Dad couldn't even pry my white knuckles off, I was terrified Mom would drop me. All the stress gave me the hiccups. I am sure in time they will get the hang of it. It was nice to have a cuddle with Dad after my bath though. I was all nice and toasty warm when they put me back in my isolet for the night. They have gotten my isolet down to 29.5 degrees. Another few degrees and they'll consider moving me to a cot.
Anyhow, I'm exhausted after my big day... good night!

March 25, 2007

Day 27

I put on 11 grams today. That leaves me just 12 grams short of 3lbs. They are still using the pump to feed me. Hopefully soon I won't need that anymore because they might start trying to bottle feed me sometime in the next few days. Mom spent most of her day with me. We cuddled for a bit but mostly she just watched me sleep. The nurses tell me that I had a good day today.

March 24, 2007

Day 26

Mom and Dad came in for my bath tonight. Mom actually bathed me. She is not nearly as good at it as the nurses, but she did OK. I tried to make it easy on her and didn't squirm around too much. She weighed me too and I am 2lbs. 15ozs. One more ounce and I'll be 3lbs!
After my bath Dad and I cuddled during my dinner. I loved it! Check out our first family photo.

March 23, 2007

Day 25

I'm up to 1312 grams! Getting close to 3 pounds. I hit the 31 week milestone last night. My head grew 1cm and I am 1cm longer. Soon I may fit this outfit that Grandma gave me. Mom came in last night and they taught her how to bath me, her and Dad are coming in for my bath tomorrow night.

March 22, 2007

Day 24

As I hoped they took the IV out of my head today. Mom came in in the morning and I had a cuddle with her while they fed me. I was wide awake when Mom came but as always I was sound asleep when she put me back in my isolet.

March 21, 2007

Day 23

So I did it again, spit my food up everywhere. I managed to get it all over another sleeper that Grandma gave me. The nurses were concerned so I got yet another x-ray. The good news is that the x-ray results looked fine. They ended up taking the fortifier out of my food and using a pump to feed me. I've managed to keep it down since.
They think they are going to take the IV out of my head tomorrow. I can't wait! The only tube I will have left is my feeding tube and that one doesn't bother me so much. Looks like they may be moving me to another room tomorrow too. They want to close the room I am in. One of my neighbours went to CHEO so now I am getting a nurse all to myself. I guess they don't think that's necessary although I kind of like the attention.
It also looks like I have my nights and days mixed up. I heard Mom telling the nurses that we'll want to get that sorted out before I go home. She was here visiting late last night and trying to encourage me to sleep. I had been sleeping all day and wasn't that tired anymore. We got to snuggle again which was nice.

March 20, 2007

Day 22

Wow, hard to believe that I am three weeks old already!
They had to move my IV today and after blowing veins in my foot and hand they put it in my head. The nurse tells me I am fortunate that they didn't have to shave my head first. I suspect it's going to hurt a bit when they finally take it out.
They increased my feed again today and so far it isn't going great. After my last feed I threw up quite a bit and they found 5cc's of undigested food in my stomach. Once again this raises the alarm bells for infection.
Up until then I was having a pretty good day. I got to wear one of the new outfits that Grandma brought. It was way too big, but comfy all the same. I was holding my temperature well all day and Mom got to hold me again. After I spit up my food tonight they took my temperature again and it wasn't great. They had to put me back in the heated isolet. I sure hope the next feeding goes well or it's back getting x-rays. I still managed to put on 32 grams today, bringing me up to 1267. I was lazy most of the day which got Mom concerned, she prefers when I am active.

March 19, 2007

Day 21

Well as the nurse put it I am back on the road again today. The x-ray came back OK, and the stool sample came back negative. I am off the antibiotics and back on feeds. The doctor came and talked to Mom and Dad and they are still unsure of exactly what happened last week. They are still concerned that the reintroduction of food may cause problems with my bowels again. They are starting me off slowly and monitoring me closely. So far they started me at 6cc's and I am up to 12 cc's. I have put on 18 grams today and am up to 1235. They also took me off isolation. Looks like I am back to sharing everything. I also have the tube in my nose again for my feeds but Mom got to hold me for the first time in a while which was nice. I fell asleep on her chest after my first feed. I was so full, and comfortable. Now we are just waiting on my first stool to examine it. Fingers crossed everyone!

March 18, 2007

Day 20

They took another x-ray today. They are down to one every 24 hours, but it still seems like a lot. The good news is that this one came back and looked slightly better than yesterdays. The blood test came back negative for infections, and the urine test came back inconclusive. The stool was sent to CHEO for examination and the results aren't in yet. Everyone seems to agree that I am looking less pale. I am also pretty active in my isolet which is encouraging everyone that I am doing okay. I managed to put on 17 grams and had an evening bath. I am still on IV and once again they are talking about having to put in a PICC line.
They have taken all the tubes out of my nose for the first time since I was born. It feels fantastic. They will have to put one back in when I start feeds again, but for now I am really enjoying this. I gave Mom a scare tonight and had a couple of spells during her visit. I am sure it's just because I have had a few very busy days. They tried removing my temperature probe again but once again I failed to maintain my temperature.

March 17, 2007

Day 19

Grandma and Grandpa got word of how upset my parents were and drove to Ottawa for a visit. They came to the hospital to see me and thought that I had grown a lot. I was happy to hear this especially after losing half an ounce yesterday.
They are repeating my x-rays every 12 hours now. The good news is that the dilated loop seems to have dissipated but there is thickening of my bowel walls which still points to infection. The isolation continues. They figure I'll be off my feeds and on antibiotics for week. They are still vacuuming out my stomach contents, but with my IV I still managed to gain 1 gram.

March 16, 2007

Day 18

Today I hit my first major road block. Mom and Dad had been prepared by the nurses that this day would come but they still didn't handle it very well. Mom sat by my isolet trying to keep it together most of the day. It turns out that there was blood found in my last two stools. This is something that they commonly test for and can be a sign of an infection.
An x-ray was taken and they found a dilated loop in my intestines. There has been some talk of surgery but the surgeon from CHEO will have to come check me out first. They have stopped my feeds and started vacuuming out the contents of my stomach. So much for getting bigger!

My stomach is extended 1cm and I am looking very pale. I am also not maintaining a stable temperature, all signs of an infection. So they took more blood, a stool sample and a urine sample and sent them all off for examination.

They've set me up on IV again and have started me on antibiotics. The good news is that the surgeons from CHEO want to watch me for a while and are not convinced that surgery will be required. I lost 15 grams today, and have been ordered to be in isolation.

They have signs up all over my area that infection control is in effect and anyone touching me needs gloves and a gown. It's quite a production but the good news is I no longer have to share my scale or my thermometer.

March 15, 2007

Day 17

30 Weeks today! They moved me to a new isolet today because I have reached 30 weeks. They also took my measurements and I have grown. My head is 1 cm bigger and I am 1.5 cm longer. Mom came to visit me briefly a few times but she is still sick so didn't stay long. She brought me some clothes and blankets that she got from her Mom and her Aunt Alida. I sure like the blanket that Aunt Alida made. Most of the clothes are still a bit big for me but hopefully I'll fit in them soon.

March 14, 2007

Day 16

Wow do those fortifiers ever work! I put on 33 grams today. That's over an ounce! Mom and Dad were really happy to hear that I am growing so much. Mom and Dad are both sick now, so no visitors again today.
I had another bath and they put me in a sleeper afterwards. It was nice to be wearing something other than just my diaper.
Today was my first full day off CPAP. They finally got the hint that I didn't want the help any more. Breathing is all me now, and so far I am not finding it too tough.

March 13, 2007

Day 15

Mom was sick today and couldn't visit. It made for a long day. The nurses do a good job of keeping me company though. I gave them a bit of a hard time today. I cried for a long time after they put the CPAP back on me and eventually they saw the light and took it off again. I have had just about enough of having that mask over my nose, and that hat squeezing my head.
They got me up to full feeds and started fortifying them. I'll get an extra 24 calories per feeding now so hopefully my weight will go up.

March 12, 2007

Day 14

So the nurses claim that I look a little pale today. I don't think I look any more pale than my parents but they decided to do a blood test anyways. They seem to take blood from me all the time. The tests came back negative for infection. Looks like I am just a pale guy. My weight is up to 1171 grams and I was off my CPAP machine for 14 hours. Mom changed my diaper while she visited and she forgot to cover me up while reaching for the wipe. I taught her a lesson and peed everywhere. Mom laughed! I guess it's because it's the nurses who had to change the bedding in my isolet.

Now that I have my central line and IV out they insist on trying to have me sleep on my stomach. I much prefer to sleep on my back. The CPAP puts extra air in my stomach which they think will come out if they position me this way. Does that look comfortable?

The prongs in my nose are there in case I need some extra oxygen while off my CPAP. At least that's why the nurses think they are there. I think they put them in my nose as a challenge to see how long it will take me to pull them out.

March 11, 2007

Day 13

So today they decided to up my feeds more rapidly. My stomach gets full pretty fast so it takes a while for my feeds to go in. The good news is that at this point I will not need a PICC line. They were able to get my feeds up high enough that they could remove the IV from my foot. I'm up to 1160 grams. Soon they will start fortifying my food and then I should really start growing. Dad held my feed tonight and mom held me for a while.

March 10, 2007

Day 12

I was off CPAP again today for 7 hours but I had a spell. Yesterday I didn't have any. I am 1150 grams so I have officially passed my birth weight. I hear that's a pretty big milestone. Mom came in the afternoon and held me for a while again. She came in again at night and watched me get my bath. They bath me in this tiny pan that is about the size of a loaf pan. It feels nice to be all clean.

March 9, 2007

Day 11

Well I just about reached my birth weight today. I'm 1142 grams and was 1145 when I was born. They took out my central line but needed to put an IV in because I am not quite up to full feeds yet. They put the IV in my foot and so far despite the trashing about I've done, I haven't been able to get it out.
I finished my antibiotics for pneumonia today. They won't bother doing another chest x-ray for now because it will take about a month for things to clear up completely. I was off my CPAP machine for 12 hours today and didn't find it was too much work. Mom and Dad came in and did my care in the afternoon. They are feeding me 13 cc's now.

March 8, 2007

Day 10

They increased my feeds again today. I am up to 10 cc's, 12 more to go and they will remove the central line from my belly. If they can't get me up to 22 cc's soon they'll have to consider putting in a PICC line. Hopefully I'll continue to digest my food well and that won't have to happen. It's going to be tight though because I hear rumblings they will need to remove the central line soon. I guess with me being so small, I am prone to infection. Mom came in again and changed my diaper. She's getting better at it so I didn't cry for her this time. They had me off my CPAP machine again today. I was breathing on my own for 8.5 hours. Woohoo! Hopefully they'll get rid of this machine soon too. I am so much more handsome with just a feeding tube in my nose, and no silly cap. I almost forgot to mention that I am up 50 grams from my lowest weight, although I am still a bit short of my birth weight.

March 7, 2007

Day 9

They upped my food again. Now I am getting 7 cc's every three hours. Mom and Dad came in to visit, and Mom held my food. I guess they were pretty excited to see if I had put on weight but they couldn't weight me because my temperature wasn't stable. Every once in a while the nurses try and test me by removing my temperature probe. Without the probe the isolet doesn't warm up and I am supposed to maintain my own temperature. So far it's not working so well and I just get cold every time they do that. Perhaps that will change when I get some more weight on me.

March 6, 2007

Day 8

Well today was a pretty great day. I had my head ultrasound and it came back normal. I also gained weight for the first time. Oh yeah, I'm also a week old. They had me off the CPAP machine for 7 hours and to be honest I don't really like going back on it once I have been off for a while. Mom tried holding me again but I kept forgetting to breath (they call it spells), so she had to put me back. Guess I was just tired from breathing on my own for so long. They give me morning doses of caffeine which are supposed to help with the spells but I find I am still having the odd one.

March 5, 2007

Day 7

I was off my CPAP machine for 3 hours today. Gave me a few hours to get my head back to round. It's hard work breathing on my own for so long. I was kind of relieved when they gave the machine back. Mom held me again today. She also change my diaper and did my mouth care for the first time. She's not all that good at it and I cried for her. She hadn't heard that from me before. Grandma Eleanore visited with Dad, she seems cool too. They increased my feeds to 4 cc's every three hours.

March 4, 2007

Day 6

Well hallelujah I finally had a dump! Grandma and Grandpa came for a visit for the first time today. They seem nice. It was a big day for them to visit because I was taken off the respirator again. I was switched to a machine I hear them calling a CPAP machine. It's slightly more comfortable than the respirator but they force me to wear this silly cap. It's pretty snug and makes my head all pointy. I got to cuddle with my Mom for the first time today and I'm not sure who liked it more, me or her. Dad was there to watch and when he is feeling better hopefully he'll get to hold me too. It sure was nice being out of my isolet.

March 3, 2007

Day 5

I met my Aunt Jen and Aunt Steph for the first time today. They seemed to like me, although I heard them both say how small I was. They increased my feed again today, but I still haven't gained any weight. Mom got to meet the doctors for the first time today and they discussed my progress from head to toe. Looks like they'll be giving my head an ultrasound on Tuesday. I haven't started pooping yet which is a bit of a concern, but hopefully I'll get that going soon. Dad came to visit with Mom and they brought a Go Bo Go sticker (courtesy of for my isolet. I am the envy of the NICU. Small plug for Dad's buisness. :-)

March 2, 2007

Day 4

They increased my food a bit today. Up to two cc's every three hours. They also have kept me on antibiotics, and added a UV light to my isolet because it turns out I am a bit jaundice.
They lowered my oxygen level from 40 to 30 which means I may be ready to come off the ventilator again soon. Despite the increased feeds I am still losing weight. So far I am down two ozs. from my birth weight.

March 1, 2007

Day 3

Today is my dads Birthday and just like him I am a Pisces. I think mom likes Pisces so that's OK.
Today in the NICU they introduced me to food. They are giving me 1cc of moms milk every four hours. All that pumping that moms doing is finally going to good use. Thankfully they also give me other foods through IV or I would be very hungry.

Unfortunately they did a chest x-ray and it looks like I have pneumonia. They have started me on antibiotics and hopefully it will clear up before too long.

No one took any picture of me today so here is a photo of the cool room that mom and dad have waiting for me at home. I can't wait to go see it.