Today I hit my first major road block. Mom and Dad had been prepared by the nurses that this day would come but they still didn't handle it very well. Mom sat by my isolet trying to keep it together most of the day. It turns out that there was blood found in my last two stools. This is something that they commonly test for and can be a sign of an infection.
An x-ray was taken and they found a dilated loop in my intestines. There has been some talk of surgery but the surgeon from CHEO will have to come check me out first. They have stopped my feeds and started vacuuming out the contents of my stomach. So much for getting bigger!
My stomach is extended 1cm and I am looking very pale. I am also not maintaining a stable temperature, all signs of an infection. So they took more blood, a stool sample and a urine sample and sent them all off for examination.
They've set me up on IV again and have started me on antibiotics. The good news is that the surgeons from CHEO want to watch me for a while and are not convinced that surgery will be required. I lost 15 grams today, and have been ordered to be in isolation.
They have signs up all over my area that infection control is in effect and anyone touching me needs gloves and a gown. It's quite a production but the good news is I no longer have to share my scale or my thermometer.