They took another x-ray today. They are down to one every 24 hours, but it still seems like a lot. The good news is that this one came back and looked slightly better than yesterdays. The blood test came back negative for infections, and the urine test came back inconclusive. The stool was sent to CHEO for examination and the results aren't in yet. Everyone seems to agree that I am looking less pale. I am also pretty active in my isolet which is encouraging everyone that I am doing okay. I managed to put on 17 grams and had an evening bath. I am still on IV and once again they are talking about having to put in a PICC line.
They have taken all the tubes out of my nose for the first time since I was born. It feels fantastic. They will have to put one back in when I start feeds again, but for now I am really enjoying this. I gave Mom a scare tonight and had a couple of spells during her visit. I am sure it's just because I have had a few very busy days. They tried removing my temperature probe again but once again I failed to maintain my temperature.
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