Wow time sure flies now that I am at home. So far so good. I had a couple of nights where I wasn't feeling well so Mom didn't get much sleep. Last night was much better. Hopefully a sign of things to come. Cross your fingers for me!
So many appointments this week. I met my family doctor. She seems really nice. They sterilized one of the exam rooms just for me before I arrived. Mom was pleased.
The doctor checked me out and said that I appear to be doing just fine. We booked my 2 month vaccinations for next week. Hard to believe I will be two months old tomorrow! Yesterday we met with the lactation consultant. I am 4 pounds and 13 ounces. Five pounds here I come! I got weighed before and after I breast fed so that we could tell how much food I was getting. I got 35ml which is about half my feed. Karen (the lactation consultant) was pleased with my progress. I have another appointment with her next week.
Today I have the second dreaded eye test and I meet with the surgeon for a follow up.
It'll be a bit of a test for Mom because the appointments are spread out just enough to make it tough to coordinate.
Grandma Hawley babysat me last night while Mom and Dad went and played in their playoff football game. Mom and Dad won, but more importantly I had a great night with Grandma!
Go Sens Go!