Well today was a real day of ups and downs. On a positive note I put on 37 grams and am now over 3 pounds 6 ounces. I also had a bone test done that came back fine. I had some not so good moments throughout the day too. Mom and I had an appointment with the lactation consultant and that didn't go well at all. They woke me up and that made me mad. I decided not to try breast feeding and instead I just kicked and cried. It was also time for some blood tests and they didn't take enough blood the first time so they had to take some more. They gave me sucrose for the pain but it still hurt. Hopefully they won't need anymore blood for a while.
Mom came in to bath me in the evening but my temperature was too low so she didn't bath me. She decided to hold me for my feed instead. While she was holding me I stopped breathing and turned colours on her. She put me back in my bed and I had no problems breathing after that. Mom called during the night several times and my nurse told her I was doing fine. All and all a pretty stressful day. I still need to get an eye test this week which I've heard is not fun either.
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