I had my neonatal follow up this week and turns out I'm pretty small. With the two rough sick patches that I've had this winter I've lost some weight. I'm down to the 25th percentile from the 75th for my corrected age. I've been eating lots this week though and I'm sure I'll be packing on the pounds in no time. I'm getting taller too. So looks like instead of short and pudgy I am going to be tall and lean. That's a good thing right? Okay, so I'm not exactly tall. My head is much better proportioned than it used to be though.
The doctors were really happy with my development but think I am a little behind communicating. I've been waving bye-bye to Daddy and kissing Mommy so I'm not sure what else they are looking for. Seems to be enough to make Mom and Dad happy. I have been referred to a speech specialist anyways and we figure we're not going to turn down the help. I am sure I'll be rhyming off the Senators lineup in no time.
I don't have a lot of new photos seeing I wasn't up to much this past week. Here is a photo of me watching a video when I was sick.
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