February 19, 2009

Yep, It's still winter!

I had a great time last weekend at Winterlude in Gatineau. My buddy Holden was there and we went down the ice slides and went on a tube ride. Here are a few photos.
On another note I had a heart ultrasound this week because of a murmur they detected a while back. They had done an ECG but requested that I come back for an ultrasound (I get lots of special treatment because I'm a preemie!). I am pleased to report that the test showed no medical reason for the murmur and the doctor says the noise is just the blood flowing through my heart. They should stop hearing it by the time I am around 10 or so!
I'm starting daycare next week. I'll miss Crystal but I am excited to make some new friends!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

OMG our boys are so cute. Although Holden looks bored. Or pissed *haha* Such good news about Bo's heart!!!