August 15, 2007

Day 167

Our second family photo! Mom and Dad should really get someone else to take the photo instead of trying to do it themselves. In half of them they chopped my head off.
We're heading back to Barrie on Friday. Hopefully it goes alright because lately I have been HATING the car seat. On Friday night the whole family including all us grandkids are going out for dinner for Grandma's birthday. It'll be my first timing going to a restaurant for dinner. On Saturday there is going to be a party for me. How exciting! Mom and Dad are finally going to get to show me off. I'll have them take lots of photos.
We have a follow up with the dietitian at CHEO tomorrow. I think they are going to decide if Mom can try dairy again. Sure hope it doesn't make me sick!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

He looks so cute in his Bumbo! And he totally looks spaced out in that last pic *haha* but the tigger onesie is adorable! Did the overalls end up fitting him?