March 8, 2007

Day 10

They increased my feeds again today. I am up to 10 cc's, 12 more to go and they will remove the central line from my belly. If they can't get me up to 22 cc's soon they'll have to consider putting in a PICC line. Hopefully I'll continue to digest my food well and that won't have to happen. It's going to be tight though because I hear rumblings they will need to remove the central line soon. I guess with me being so small, I am prone to infection. Mom came in again and changed my diaper. She's getting better at it so I didn't cry for her this time. They had me off my CPAP machine again today. I was breathing on my own for 8.5 hours. Woohoo! Hopefully they'll get rid of this machine soon too. I am so much more handsome with just a feeding tube in my nose, and no silly cap. I almost forgot to mention that I am up 50 grams from my lowest weight, although I am still a bit short of my birth weight.

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