March 12, 2007

Day 14

So the nurses claim that I look a little pale today. I don't think I look any more pale than my parents but they decided to do a blood test anyways. They seem to take blood from me all the time. The tests came back negative for infection. Looks like I am just a pale guy. My weight is up to 1171 grams and I was off my CPAP machine for 14 hours. Mom changed my diaper while she visited and she forgot to cover me up while reaching for the wipe. I taught her a lesson and peed everywhere. Mom laughed! I guess it's because it's the nurses who had to change the bedding in my isolet.

Now that I have my central line and IV out they insist on trying to have me sleep on my stomach. I much prefer to sleep on my back. The CPAP puts extra air in my stomach which they think will come out if they position me this way. Does that look comfortable?

The prongs in my nose are there in case I need some extra oxygen while off my CPAP. At least that's why the nurses think they are there. I think they put them in my nose as a challenge to see how long it will take me to pull them out.

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